Want Step-By-Step Help Turning The Products You Create...Into Products You GET PAID FOR...
...For Just $100?
Build Your First (Or Next) Funnel...And Turn The Products And Services You Create
Into Actual Dollars And Cents!
Let Me Show You ALL The Training And Coaching You’ll Get Access To When You Join The One Funnel Away Challenge
One Funnel Away Bundle

Total Value: $3,126

Join The One Funnel Away Challenge
Challenge Starts {{MMM}} {{Do}}
Huge 97% discount!
Just $100!
Registration for the next One Funnel Away Challenge closes in:
From: Russell Brunson
Where: Boise, Idaho

Congratulations on getting INSTANT access to Pyks - your new ecover creator!

It’s the BEST way to give your products a professional look that will make your people want to take action…(WITHOUT having to learn complicated software, or pay for expensive designers)! 

I can’t wait for you to dive in and start creating ecovers FAST!

But first...
How Would You Like OUR Help To Actually SELL Your Book Or Course…
(Or Whatever It Is You're Trying To Promote?)
See, if you’re like most Pyks users, you’re probably so excited to get your product out to the world…

...but you're getting STUCK at the “selling part”, and you're not sure why.

Maybe you are...
  • An author
  • ​A course creator…
  • ​A publisher…
  • ​An internet marketer…
  • ​Maybe you have an awesome supplement…
  • ​Or a cool new software business…
  • ​Or maybe you’re creating something else entirely...
No matter WHAT it is you are creating… 

I want you to know I get it.

In fact
The #1 PROBLEM Most Business Owners And Entrepreneurs Like You Have Is…
Getting MORE People To Actually BUY  Their Product.
And that’s because most people make the SAME mistake…

They spend TONS of time and money building a complicated website for their business…

Only to find out,
People Don’t Buy From Websites

They Buy From FUNNELS.
So To Help You, We Created A Very Special Offer For You Called The 'One Funnel Away' Challenge…
My GOAL for this challenge is to help you build and launch your first (or next) funnel in just 30 days, so you can sell MORE of the products and services you create...

(And It Can Change Your Business Forever!)
Here’s A FULL Break-down On EVERYTHING You’ll Get When You Join The One Funnel Away Challenge!
Led By Trainer Russell Brunson And The ‘One Funnel Away’ Consulting Team, This Challenge Is Designed To Help You Customize And IMPLEMENT Your First (Or Next) Funnel In Just 30 Days…
Step #1
One Funnel Away
"The Strategy"
Each day, you will receive a new mission from Russell, streamed to the private Facebook group.  

These private videos will be about 30 minutes long, and will give you the strategy you have to master for each step you need for success. 

You will have the ability to network with and ask questions to our coaches as well as others OFA-ers who are also going through the challenge with you!

Step #2
One Funnel Away
"The Tactics"
After the stream ends in the Facebook group, you will be given a "One Pager" mission document with the exact step by step tactics you need to implement to complete that step. 

There will be videos showing HOW to implement the strategy as well as a digital workbook to help keep everything clear!

These missions will take between 30-60 minutes to complete each day. 
Step #3
One Funnel Away
Not only do you get 30 days of daily video coaching and accountability…

You also LIVE TRAINING SESSIONS DAILY Monday - Friday with our expert OFA consultants.

On these special live trainings, you get to pick their brains and ask ANY question you have about your funnels, strategies, your offer, tech challenges, you name it.

It’s like having your very own DEDICATED SUPPORT TEAM.
Get These AMAZING Bonuses... 
When You Join The "One Funnel Away" Challenge Today... 
Bonus #1
The “30 Days” 550 Page  E-Book
($97 Value)
Bonus #1
**Testimonials are real experiences from paying users of the One Funnel Away Challenge. Their results are not typical and your experience will vary based upon your effort, education, business model, and market forces beyond our control. We make no earnings claims or return on investment claims, and you may not make your money back.**  
Recently, I asked 30 of my ‘Two Comma Club’ members (those who have generated over $1 Million+ inside their ClickFunnels funnel) a very loaded question...
“You suddenly lose EVERYTHING…
You lose all your money, along with your name and reputation, and only have your marketing know-how left.

You have bills piled high, and people harassing you for money over the phone. 

Plus, you have a guaranteed roof over your head, a phone line, an internet connection, and a ClickFunnels account for only one month.

You no longer have your big guru name, your following, or JV partners. Other than your vast marketing experience, you're an unknown newbie.
What would you do?
(from Day 1 to Day 30) if you knew you only had ONE FUNNEL To make back your millions?” 
Each of their detailed responses became a chapter inside the ‘30 Days’ book…

Inside this 550 page E-book, you will discover: 
  • 30 battleplans (one per expert), laying out their individual 30-day marketing strategy to get their business back on track.
  • Real-life strategies our experts have used to start from scratch (or start again), with no name, no reputation, no list, no money, no traffic, and no product…
Bonus #2
20 "One Pager" Digital Workbooks For The "One Funnel Away" Challenge!
($97 Value)
Bonus #2
Each day of the One Funnel Away Challenge, you’ll be given tasks that you’ll need to complete in order to get your funnel built and LIVE.

The "One Pager" Digital Workbooks acts as your companion to the steaming training's (Day 1 through Day 30).

Inside each "One Pager," you’ll find training that correspond with EACH day of the Challenge.

Each "One Pager" has:
  • A CHECKLIST of tasks or reminders that need to be completed that day
  • Plenty of space for journaling and brainstorming your ideas, and answering key thought-provoking questions
  • The video training links that correspond with each day’s mission
  • And, any extra resource links you’ll need to complete the day’s tasks
You'll Get Immediate Access To The Bonuses The
Moment You Join The ‘One Funnel Away’ Challenge Today!
(We’re 100% committed to keeping the ‘One Funnel Away’ Challenge to a VERY low rate, so that anyone can join…)
Here's A Quick Recap Of What You’ll Get When You Join The One Funnel Away Challenge
One Funnel Away

Total Value: $3,126

Join The One Funnel Away Challenge
Challenge Starts {{MMM}} {{Do}}
Huge 97% discount!
Just $100!
Registration for the next One Funnel Away Challenge closes in:
Create Gorgeous eCovers In Minutes With Done-For-You Designs Made By Seasoned Professionals. Zero Design Skills Needed!
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